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Dienstag, 20.02.2024
04:00 Uhr
Wo genau?
Aalhaus, Eggerstedtstraße 39, Hamburg (Altona)
@ | LiveTickets: https://www.tixforgigs.com/Event/52954Einlass: 19:00 UhrWith an affinity for blending digital with analog elements, @ describe their debut album ,Mind Palace Music as "hyperfolk," though the record never feels self-indulgent — hitting the sweet spot between pleasantly familiar and refreshingly innovative. "We were pretty aware of trying to make something well-crafted that would hold up," Filipczak says. "I was stoked that I could show some of the tracks to my grandma and she would be able to dig it. It probably doesn't sound that different from, like, Simon and Garfunkel to her." Filipczak and Rose collaborate on music from their respective cities, Baltimore and Philadelphia. The band currently performs as a 4 piece, adapting their recordings to an instrumentally diverse live set, including flute, PVC whistle, microkorg. Additional members include Nino Soberon on cello, bass and melodica, and Nina Ryser on drums and melodica.Einlass: 04:00 Uhr


Weltaal GbR Laigre und Wiesmann
Eggerstedtstraße 39
22765 Hamburg
Web: aalhaus.de

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